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Pharmacy First Service

Pharmacy First Service

Seven Conditions That Can Be Treated By Our Pharmacist

The Pharmacy First Service is here to help you stay well and avoid long waits at the GP or in A&E. Our team of Pharmacists are here to give you the advice a treatment needed to help youfeel better and reduce the pressures on other sectors of our NHS.  
    Who is eligible to use Pharmacy First?
    Anybody registered with a GP practice in England who has a valid NHS number is able to access this service. You do not need to have an appointment and can just walk in and ask to speak to our Pharmacist in the private consultation room.
    What conditions are treated with Pharmacy First?
    • Earache (children ages 1-17 years old) Impetigo (adult and children aged 1 year and above)
    • Infected insect bites and stings (adults and children aged 1 year and above) Shingles (adults aged 18 years and  above)
    • Sore throat (adults and children aged 5 and above)
    • Sinusitis (adults and children 12 and above)
    • Uncomplicated urinary tract infection in women (aged 16-64 years old)
    We are also able to offer advice on a condition that is not listed in this service so please ask us for advice.  
    How does this service work?

    If you are suffering from a minor ailment please come in and ask for a consultation.
    We will begin by taking your name, date of birth and NHS number. The pharmacist will then go on to ask about your medical history, what symptoms you have and may perform an examination to make a diagnosis. They will then advise you on the best course of action to take.
    This may include:
    -Self-care advice on how to manage your symptoms at home
    -Supply you with a medication to treat your symptoms free of charge if you are
    normally exempt from prescription charges.
    -Referring you to your GP or another healthcare professional if your symptoms
    require further investigations.

    Contact us today for a free consultation

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