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Health & Advice

Menstrual migrainMenstrual Migraines: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment
Menstrual migraines are a common and often debilitating condition experienced by many women. These migraines are closely linked to hormonal changes during the menstrual cycle, particularly the drop in oestrogen levels. If you're suffering from menstrual migraines,...
10 Fun and Simple Ways to Dodge Winter Colds and Flu
Winter is here – which means cozy nights, hot drinks, and unfortunately, more chances to catch a cold or flu. But don’t worry! At Skot Chemist, we’ve got your back with these 10 fun and easy tips to keep the sniffles away this season. Whether it’s keeping cozy or...
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Menstrual migrainMenstrual Migraines: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment
Menstrual migraines are a common and often debilitating condition experienced by many women. These migraines are closely linked to hormonal changes during the menstrual cycle, particularly the drop in oestrogen levels. If you're suffering from menstrual migraines,...
10 Fun and Simple Ways to Dodge Winter Colds and Flu
Winter is here – which means cozy nights, hot drinks, and unfortunately, more chances to catch a cold or flu. But don’t worry! At Skot Chemist, we’ve got your back with these 10 fun and easy tips to keep the sniffles away this season. Whether it’s keeping cozy or...
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